SentriLock Resource Center
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SentriLock Live Support: Available 8:00 a.m. to Midnight, 7 days a week
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Recent Conversion
Why is WSRAR switching to SentriLock? WSRAR leadership reviewed and evaluated multiple lockbox products and selected SentriLock as its preferred platform for members. SentriLock, NAR’s official lockbox system, has an easy-to-use interface which allows for multiple lockbox access methods. If you have a contractor, painter, out-of-area agent, etc. who needs access to the home, you will be able to grant time-specific access or revocable temporary access.
When and how can I subscribe to the SentriLock app? On September 5th 2022, you will receive an email from SentriLock with registration information; they will send additional reminder emails over the next couple of weeks. This email will contain all the information you need to subscribe to the app.
How much will it cost? $168.46/annually (the full annual fee will be due upon registration)
What about my SUPRA key? WSRAR will work with SUPRA to automatically discontinue any charges associated with WSRAR-issued eKEYs.
How can I learn more about the SentriLock app? Your registration email will contain training videos and tutorials. SentriLock will also host multiple webinars on using the app and the boxes. You can also access their resources page here:
What if I need to access SUPRA boxes in the Triad or Charlotte region? If you access boxes in those areas infrequently, you may wish to contact the listing agents regarding SUPRA’s non-member access functionality. If you access boxes in those areas frequently, you may reach out to the *appropriate association representative for assistance.
What if I don’t want the SentriLock app? Please delete any registration emails you receive.
I’m an MLS-only member of WSRAR – what should I do? If you access boxes in our area frequently, you may wish to subscribe to the SentriLock app. If you access boxes in our area infrequently, you could reach out to the listing agents for codes to the SentriLock boxes. If you have your SUPRA eKEY cooped to work in the Triad area and you will continue to need access to SUPRA boxes, you may reach out to the appropriate association representative for assistance.
What about all my SUPRA boxes? You will be able to exchange any WSRAR-issued SUPRA iBOX BT LE for a new SentriLock box at WSRAR October 11th – 21st. We will send an additional email with much more information regarding the details of this exchange.
What if members from other areas need access to my SentriLock boxes? You will have multiple options to grant codes for the box. You can then share this information with the showing agent.
For more information on features and functionality of the SentriLock box click here.
*Canopy: 704-940-3110
HPRAR: 336-889-8181
GRRA: 336-854-5868

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